Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Concept to Consider When doing a Reading

A Concept to Consider When doing a Reading
I recently read an article on Tarot readings that made me stop and think for a bit:

How much does a reading for a client influence the client's future actions regarding an event depicted in the reading?

This could go so many ways!

First, the client was already on the path leading toward what was depicted in the reading, but we all know that will free-will we can alter that path with even the slightest of actions. Turn north instead of south and you miss the accident that occurred, or vice versa, you ran into the accident or were the accident. That sort of thing. Every action we make during a day can lead to further actions down the road.

Second, the client, while heading in the direction shown in the reading, they have not yet made the final decisive action necessary to complete the turning on to that particular path. It is still yet an "option", not a certainty. Taking the example above, the person is ready to leave the house to go where ever it is they need to go, but decide not to go altogether, thus no accident, missed or hit, is no longer even an option in the equation.

Third, the client has done nothing yet to send them down the particular path outcome, but it is a possibility in the future because of actions they are likely to make if they continue on as they are currently. Again, working with the first premise example, here, the person hasn't even decided that it might be important to leave the house. What ever it is that was the purpose of leaving in the first example, hasn't even become an issue in this least not a this time.

So, considering each of these examples, how does the reading affect each one? Also, take note that these are short-term future event examples; not long-term, such as weeks, months, or even years in the future.

In the first example, it's basically a done-deal. The client considers the options "north" or "south", but shrugs because either way, what ever is going to happen is going to happen. It's a "done deal" regardless. They'll either have the accident or not, so it's not even worth dwelling on.

As for the second example, a look at traffic conditions on the TV or radio will give an idea as to which route would be the most beneficial and likely to be accident-free.

In the third example, the plan to leave the house hasn't even presented itself so there is no reason to even consider the possibility of the best route to take or even that the need to know the traffic conditions.

As mentioned before, these are short-term future events. Short-term events are "in the now", they're already working through the aspects of cause & effect. events are in motion and will continue so until their conclusive action is completed. But what about the long-term future events? They're not even in the thought process, or at least not in the sense that they are unfolding "in the now". They are still encompassed in the mists of "what's coming". So how are these mists pulled back so we can see, at least somewhat more clearly, "what's coming"?

The client's cards show that in the far-future (months ahead) an event will occur. What happens in the meantime will determine how it manifests. If the client hadn't come in for the reading, they would most likely not have had any idea of the future event. So how does this impact the event itself?

First scenario, the client disregards it and never thinks of it again and it manifests regardless.

Second scenario, the client knows of its coming and thinks about it, but doesn't know if they are consciously or unconsciously impacting this future event by their "in the now" actions. In the end, the event occurs regardless, but there may be slight nuances that are different, but they're effect on the event wouldn't really be seen visibly because the client's actions were only slightly impactful.

Third scenario is that the client is fully aware of the future event, takes it to heart and depending on how they feel about that event, determines their actions in the meantime. If it is a "good" event, then they will do everything they can to make sure it manifests as it's supposed to, and maybe even attempting to influence it even more, for the better. Whether this works or not, may or may not be evidenced in the end.

But if it is an event that the client does not like, again, they will do everything they can to change that future event. In some instances it may work, thus putting them on a different path altogether, or at the very least one in which the outcome will be different. In other instances, these actions may actually be the catalyst which sets this path in motion. And lastly, the conscious actions taken may not change the event itself, but open a door to a better manifestation.

Basically, what this all says (in my opinion anyway), is that our free-will is what will determine the paths we take, and the ultimate manifestation that will result. For good or bad, it's just the way it is. That said though, through the art of divination, and here were are speaking of the Tarot itself, we are able to have an idea of where we're going, how to get there, and what to do to assure (as best as possible) the outcome that we desire.

So don't consider all that "positive" in a reading doesn't include a few hard-learned lessons along the way, or that any "negative" is a set-in-stone prediction. Use the Tarot as a guide book, not a map. It's not that precise. Or rather, we're not that precise! Guide books give points of reference. Maps give exact locations. Tarot is rarely that. :)

So, get out your "guide books" and see where it leads!

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